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Monday, June 20, 2016

June 19, 2016

Embarkation Day!!

Hotel lobby waiting
We meet at the hotel to catch a huge bus to head to the port. Thirty people sitting in the hotel lobby with 60+ pieces of luggage is quite a sight! The bus arrives and we load on- front row are of course the Bride and Groom along with Ollie and Aunt Mickie. Ollie and Aunt Mickie sing B I N G O and various other things for most of the trip. Ollie is in heaven. Getting tired of her he then requests Uncle Mike to join him for song and laughs. Meanwhile as you look to the back of the bus to see the majority of traveler’s are sleeping. Arriving at the port we unload the bus to load again on a shuttle bus to the ship. Luckily our rooms are ready and most of us embark without issue. The exception was those who stored “beverages” inside bags that were held for additional inspection. Michelle had agreed to help Matt get his special brandy purchase on board and Justin and Becky had Champagne. In the end the items were retrieved after a bit of a hassle.

Sleeping travelors
Lunch on the back of the ship was a blast as everyone was able to eat together and come and go and get final introductions. After an Emergency Drill in 4 languages that lasted forever we go to dinner. At dinner, a non-group member accidently decided to sit with us and thus we were short a seat. Lilly was the self appointed one who explained to her and she moved. We sit at three large tables are together and probably the loudest of the dining room. Brian is convinced that the Assistant Waiter hates him as his food arrives 10 minutes after everyone else and his wine was ordered first and delivered last.

Table number two had Nana, Sarah, Jeff, Niki, and Erin. They had a photo of someone kissing the amazing parts of the fake statue of David and showed it to poor Nana. Nana thought it was a sausage. The group roared with laughter and the ice was broken. Meanwhile Ollie from Table 3 was going between them all soaking up the attention. Table 3 also has the Bride and Groom, both looking quite tired at this moment. They had finished the plans for the big rehearsal dinner as everyone else works now to prepare remarks.

Junior Suite
After dinner the gathering place seems to be the piano bar for drinks, laughs and song. Around 11 the group fades as the Groom is just getting started and the Bride comes to life. Justin and Becky talk Debbie, Angela, Mike, Brian, Matt, Tina, Jeff and his wife, Andy and Jessica into heading to the ship Club. Debbie is not impressed with the constant thump thump of the no lyrics music but everyone tries to dance anyway. Justin works at serving as Matt’s wingman only to have him fail with a couple girls. Practice will make perfect. Dancing into the night the group looks forward to the first day at sea.

Lunch time

Andrew and Ollie wait for bus
Lunch time Mike

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